A self-service kiosk is a modern solution to reduce the customer service process. The main functionality of the kiosks is to automate the sales process in food service establishments, retail outlets and service shops. Self-service kiosks can be used for information purposes like in a self-service hotel, where they can display tourist information. They are great for serving hotel guests on the night shift, or in a restaurant where your customers will be able to order their meals themselves.
By using self-service kiosks, you will speed up customer service, which will translate into higher sales figures. You can expand your service sales without hiring additional staff. Your customers will be happy they don't have to wait in line and you will gain an additional employee you don't have to pay a salary.
Self-service kiosks in food service establishments are no longer a novelty. They have already proven successful in chain restaurants and are gaining popularity among smaller diners. Customers can browse the menu without pressure and modify the order to their liking. Using cross selling for each dish, you can suggest extras that will increase the bill. A major benefit of using electronic devices is the multilingual menu accessible to foreign visitors. Your employees won't be stressed out about not understanding what the customer said.
A kiosk is also an additional medium for promoting your brand. You can use it to promote dishes of the day or pre-set menus, so that your customers will not waste time composing meals.
Using a reservation system, self-service kiosks can check in and check out your hotel guests. Thanks to the 24/7 operation, the kiosks can replace your staff on night shifts. The ability to open lockers for guests or give them codes to open doors enables them to check in even late at night.
Our latest solution for hotels is a self-service kiosk with an avatar. An interactive avatar can have a conversation with a customer on a given topic. A tired customer doesn't need to read a lot of text on the screen, just ask a question from the list and hear a comprehensive answer.